Tuesday, January 19, 2010

metromonday (01.18.10)

I can't believe I've been climbing once a week for three months now. Seems like I'm not really getting too much better... and I'm not too sure that'll change with this once a week plan. But no matter! Still fun. Climbed with Brendan, Christianne, and some random guy name Elipe.

5.8 pink love one that used to be a 5.9-
5.8+ new white one that I couldn't do last week. Wasn't clean, but still happened.
5.8+ pink one
5.9- short green one by back wall. Attempted and failed.
5.8 yellow. One that I climbed with Alice a few weeks ago. Made it up, but shoddily.
5.8 green, slightly overhangy. Slow and ugly, but climbed it.
5.7+ yellow in back corner. When I couldn't climb this clean, I knew twas time to stop. :-)

I also attempted two v0 bouldering routes, did a few almost pull-ups and chinups.

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