Eddie's turning out to be a great climbing partner by making me climb routes that I'm uncomfortable with, and being incredibly supportive while I do it. If I keep climbing with him, I think I'm going to get much better quickly.
5.9 orange, "DNA": Route I couldn't finish a few weeks ago but nearly climbed clean this week.
5.11 black: Route I pretended to climb after Eddie climbed it. Got to about the 3rd hold before bailing.
5.10c neon yellow. Made it about halfway up before giving up. Felt pretty good about getting the first move and was amazed it worked out.
5.9 green, "Mantlepiece": In the "Crypt Ticket" corner. Great stemming/mantle-ing route. The trickiest part is the beginning; mantleing upwards from there.
5.10b Black/Pink, "Berry": Would've gotten through this one if I had unlimited time.
Went to Border Cafe afterwards with Christie, Martin, and Eddie.